lunes, 15 de enero de 2007

Una tarde muy Tranquila

Dag Harare's:

Es Curioso que despues de la mas que apasionante tarde del viernes haya una mas que tranquila tarde de lunes.
Pocos alegatos y poca actividad. Aparentemente.

Creo que me voy a fumar Lophophora williamsii un rato.

Por cierto, sabian que:

Peyote's Rectally Ingestion - Several African cultures traditionally ingest hallucinogens via an enema. Although Western society imposes a social bias against this method, it is effective and safe. It also helps to alleviate a great deal of the nausea and cramping that can accompany oral ingestion. It is advised that individual enemas are used in a group situation, to reduce the chance of disease spread.

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